Monday, January 20, 2014


Hola Familia!

I'm glad you all had a great week! The dogs are sooo cute! Mom and Dad can we keep them? Pleaseee?? ...we'll take good care of them I promise!! :) Kim, have you named them yet?

Well, Matthew is still the stud of the school making all the girls weak at the knees when he walks by it seems. I'm not surprised:) Hahaha...que capooo! ...and the cinnamon rolls look delicious! This morning Hermana Hundley and I went around the corner from our pension and bought some facturas... Argentine donuts...but they're not really donuts...but they're delicious.

Well, last Monday was an awful day. We didn't sleep hardly at all because we had to get all of Hermana Cortes' stuff ready to go to Gallegos! We woke up 5:00AM ish, finished packing, didn't have time to eat breakfast, and then later when we went to Trelew with the Elders we went and bought ice cream as a district...1 kilo. Downed it like champs and then we went to the terminal and one by one said goodbye to the Elders from our zone. At 5:00PM Elder Elliz left...I still don't know why that one was so hard for me. I think it was because he was the one that called us every night to ask about our day...kinda like when I was at BYU and I would call home each day or night or you would call me. It's nice to have someone who wants to hear about your day and make sure you're doing okay. I was bawling. Great...because I need one more thing for people to look at me funny for. These people already think I'm weird...crazy Argentines. I'm sure it looked hilarious though, I'll give them that much. Anyway, I decided that I hate change. I hate saying goodbye...especially to people. It's gonna rip my heart out when I leave Rawson.

Welp, round two came when Hermana Cortes left at 8:00PM. That one wasn't as hard for some reason...mostly because I think I had prepared myself mentally and emotionally for that moment and it just kinda happened really fast. I was going to be staying with two hermanas from Trelew but we had to wait for another Hermana who was arriving at like 11:30PM. Welp...all day I had only eaten a little bit of ice cream that we bought earlier. Turned out it was Hermana Twitchell we were waiting for! I'm gonna take a time out from the story to talk for a minute about Hermana Twitchell...she's soo great and staying super positive. I hadn't heard that she was going home on Tuesday. I can't imagine how hard that would be, but it's probably good because she's gonna get to the point where she won't be able to fly home because she's so sick. She's awesome though. She's one tough cookie for sticking it out for this long.

Okay, back to the we slept in Trelew...didn't go to bed until at least 1:00AM because Hermana Twitchell arrived late. Woke up at 6:30...obviously. We studied and then went to the terminal...still not having eaten anything. So, all those attributes of missionaries that we find in Alma 17 that we read about Alma and the Sons of Mosiah? Yep, one of them says something like "they suffered hunger and fatigue." That scripture took on a whole new meaning this week for me...keep in mind that in the last three days I only had about 15 hours of sleep and it had officially been 24 hours without anything solid to eat...pretty sure there's a rule about that in the handbook. Well, turned out that my companion was not on the bus she was supposed to be so instead of going back to Rawson with the Elders to eat lunch with a family that had prepared lunch for all of us, I got to stay with an Hermana in Trelew at the terminal for another 2 hours, miss the lunch appointment, and wait for my companion to come. Well, she finally did.

Here's the part of the story that kills me. Elder Verges knew that I hadn't eaten and it was likely my new companion hadn't either, so he talked to the family Nievas and asked if we could come a little bit later to eat...they happily agreed...Elder sent me a text with the good news. I was super excited...but when my companion arrived, we started looking around for Hermano Chemin who was no where to be found. He was our ride back to Rawson. It's about 2:00PM...turns out, he also assumed we must be hungry and came back with 6 HUGE footlong hotdogs for us to companion and I both ate two a little reluctantly knowing that the Nievas family had a feast prepared for us since they always make sooo much food. Our only hope was that the Elders had eaten almost all of it. No such luck. We got to the members house shortly after and there were two huge plates of food with 4 Elders smiling happily at us so excited that we were finally going to get some food...I wanted to die. We slowly but surely got all the food down and left the house with the Elders (using the excuse of having people to visit...which was true...but we had like 3 hours) ready to puke...luckily we got out BEFORE they could offer us dessert. Now, it was about 27 hours that we didn't eat anything solid...that's not fun and a little bit uncomfortable, I'll give you that, but I wasn't dying. But going from hungry to completely stuffed and overflowing in the matter of an hour is just straight up miserable. Poor Hermana Hundley...her first experience in Rawson. Oh well, we've more than made up for it:) And mom, don't worry, we always have plenty of food to was just a weird situation where we were stuck in a terminal for hours and hours with lots of little inconveniences:)

So, speaking of Hermana Hundley.  She got to Rawson on Tuesday in the afternoon. I don't have any pictures of us yet, but I will soon! She's AWESOME! We are already having so much fun together. There's always an automatic connection between the North American sister missionaries because we have pretty much the same experiences before the mission and lots of the same challenges coming to the mission. But, get this! Turns out Hermana Hundley and I were in the same Statistics class at BYU! Hahaha... what are the odds? Of course we never ran into each other because the class had 900 maybe the odds were in our favor...haha just kidding. But cool, right? Oh, also...did you know that Daniel Cottam is getting his mission call this week? I didn't either until just now...wanna know how I found out? Yep, Hermana Hundley told me. That was a super awkward moment. We both just kind of looked at each other...looked at her screen... laughed...and then kept writing our emails. Hahahaha...sooo funny. They met at BYU and apparently are pretty good friends. Small world? I think yes. Anyway, Hermana Hundley is from Mesa, Arizona. She is thinking of studying exercise science at BYU...just like ME! Hahaa...but for reals we are gonna get along so well. She speaks the language really well and we haven't had any problems this week with not understanding or having a hard time teaching. The hardest thing is the change for the menos activos and investigators. It's gonna take a few visits more for some of them to open up, but it'll come! Hermana Hundley came from Rio Gallegos where she served for 4 months. I love her!!

Welp, that's pretty much the news for the week. Today we're going to the beach to stare longingly at the waves from a safe distance with Hermano and Hermana Chemin and, of course, the Elders. We have two new Elders. Elder Sanchez is from Panama and Elder Watkins is from Utah! He graduated from Davis High last he's from like draper or something like that. I can't remember. They're both awesome Elders and we're excited to have them in the district! It's just Elder Verges and me left from our original district here in Rawson. Crazy how the time goes by. I can't believe that I've been in Rawson for 3 months already. It's insane.

So, I don't remember if I told you about Mariela, our superstar investigator. She has a baptismal date set for February 1 and is sooo ready! She's a reference from a ward member. She came to say goodbye to Hermana Cortes at the terminal in Trelew and we've been visiting her everyday! We're also teaching her 13 year old daughter Agustina. She's great! She's a little slower with the learning and will hopefully be able to get baptized the same day as her mom, if not maybe the week after. They are both really  interested and have received answers that the church is true and that this is the correct decision for their lives, but it's one thing to feel it, and it's another to actually do it. Mariela is willing to give up anything to get baptized, but we still have to be super careful with her because as we've seen with other investigators, this is the time that Satan works the hardest on them. He knows that it's their Salvation we're dealing with, and sometimes the investigators haven't come to really grasp that concept yet. Lots of prayers and fasting for her coming from my tiny pension in Rawson. She's gonna make it though, she's strong.

Oh, also. I had to speak in church again yesterday...about missionary work. again. It went well. Ten minutes is a long time in Spanish it's an eternity. I slept about 4 hours Saturday night because I kept waking up freaking out about speaking. There's just something about a bunch of fluent Spanish speakers staring at you and knowing every time you say something wrong. Hahaa...good thing they love me, right? went well though. Nothing to stress about:)

Have a fantastic week! Stay safe and happy! You're always in my prayers!

Forever and always,

Hermana Heath

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