Monday, December 2, 2013


Hola Familia!!

I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving!! I thought about you all day and I'll tell you, I had no idea what homesickness was until Thursday. BUT, I'm doing good. I only lost it for a second in the morning while my companion was showering and I wished myself a very happy argentine thanksgiving. I LOVED the pictures!! Thank you so much. I'm so glad you sent the one of dad standing on the chair because I thought about you around the time I knew you would be eating and I pictured dad standing on the chair saying something about spillers and non-spillers. Hahahaa. Glad it was a fun week for everyone!!

Shall I tell you about my thanksgiving dinner? Pasta. Ya, not the traditional turkey and potatoes, but it was good. It was also the biggest thanksgiving dinner I've ever eaten. We had hard-boiled eggs first and then some weird breaded sandwich thing...and then the pasta. The only problem was that I was almost full and the Hermana who fed us lunch, bless her heart, stacked my plate like 3 inches high with pasta. I don't know if you remember, but pasta is not my favorite to begin with. While it was good, it was a little much for me. I was greatly wishing at that moment that I was sitting at home in the non-spillers section of the house with all of you!! But, this week we had transfers...this Thanksgiving I'm thankful that I get to spend six more weeks in Rawson with Hermana Cortes and the Elders! Our district isn't gonna change (with the exception of the new missionary coming in place of mini missionary Elder Dominguez. Elder Elliz will be training).

Anyway, this week was better. Hermana Cortes' birthday was so fun! Hermano Chemin fed us lunch, but Hermana Cortes didn't know that we were going there. He had called us that morning saying he couldn't make it. The Elders and I planned a suprise party for her! We had cake and everything. It was awesome and she was really happy. In addition, I sang her every birthday song I know, including Taylor Swift's "22" since she turned 22 years old. Good times. It was a fun day.

Today is Elder Verges' birthday so we're gonna party some more. SO MUCH CAKE THIS WEEK. But, it's so I won't complain. We're gonna celebrate in the church since it's pday and we don't have lunch with members today. We'll find something to do...Rawson is tiny, though, so we're gonna have to be creative! Maybe we'll go to the beach. It's in the area of the Elders so Hermana Cortes and I have yet to see it. It's only 15 minutes away by bus.

So, in Argentina when we eat at the members houses it's kind of a rule that they have to serve dessert. It's inpolite to not give us something, usually they make ensalada fruta...I don't remember if I've told you about it but it's basically just a bunch of fruit cut up in some juice...yes, it's soup not salad, but it's to die for. Anyway, two days in a row this week they gave us ICE CREAM! My companion said that she's never been served ice cream at lunch before. The ice cream here is SO good. It's definitely no cold stone, but it's really good. It's different than ours...not better, not worse, just different. Anyway, on Saturday they served us a BIG bowl of ice cream, then when we had finished they asked if we wanted more. To be polite you always say yes, plus, it was delicious. Anyway, I agreed to eat "a little bit more." She apparently doesn't know what "un poquito" means because the second bowl was bigger than the first. But I'll be honest, I wasn't complaining. Two massive bowls of neopolitan ice cream. DE-LI-CIOUS.

Also, this week in Argentina the older kids finished school for the summer. Weird right? It's's's supposed to be cold! Well, not in Argentina. Anyway, the students finished school and the evidence is in the streets. In the United States we save all our homework and have a big bonfire at the end of the year right? Well, in Argentina, they save every single paper, rip them to shreds, and at the end of the year throw it all out on the streets. PAPER EVERYWHERE. Kinda cool, but really unfortunate for the people who have to clean it up. Hahaha:)

We're teaching an Hermana named Soledad. She's awesome. She has a real desire to follow Jesus Christ and strengthen her relationship with God. She's praying and we gave her a Book of Mormon yesterday. We've got an appointment with her on Tuesday:) Fingers crossed!

I can't believe that it's December. It's sooo hot. This last week there's been next to no wind. But, I'm not gonna complain, because the few days we've had that have been really cold are wayyy worse than the days that are really hot....however, it's not going to be a white Christmas here in Rawson:) Haha. The good news? I have the best tan I've had in YEARS. The bad news? I have the most hideous tan lines on my feet and wrist and neck. Nasty. Hahaha..oh well, what can you do?

Glad to hear you're all getting ready for Christmas! I'm getting excited to skype with you!! By the way, you need to figure out how we're gonna skype. I wanna be able to see youuu! We come to the internet cafe like always to skype. I'll let you know when I know more about Christmas:)

Welp, I think I've gotta finish here pretty soon. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Despite all the hard days, I'm so happy. My companion gets discouraged a lot which is hard for me, and I often wonder why I'm so happy when she's upset, and I think it has a lot to do with the prayers of family and friends. I know that I have a huge support system all around me and it makes such a big difference!! Plus, I'm not here to be sad...and knowing that makes it a lot easier to let little things go and respect the agency of others. As long as I'm trying my best, it's okay. I can't force someone into the baptismal font or make someone gain a testimony.  I was studying 2 Nefi 31 this morning during personal study. I LOVE that chapter. It's so straightforward with what we have to do. Have faith, repent, get baptized, receive the holy ghost, and endure to the end. At the end of the chapter it says that there is no other way. Only through Jesus Christ can we inherit the kingdom of God. I love personal study. It's the best.

Well, I've gotta go. We're gonna go celebrate with Elder Verges! :) PARTY TIME!! Hahaha:) Here in argentina, party time is always an adventure. With Elder Pinkston who leaves for home today everyone got sprayed with soap. Yes, everyone, including me. SOAP. The ward members came into the room with bottles of spray soap and started spraying everyone and everything. INSIDE THE HOUSE. Crazy Argentines. Hahaha but I love it. I love these maybe I'm crazy too? All signs point to yes:)

I love you all and hope you have a fantastic week!! You're in my thoughts and prayers every day!! Only 23 days til we get to skype!! I don't know about you but I'm counting down!

Forever and always,
Hermana Heath

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